by Lev (Leon) Gunin


A legal action is urgently needed to stop Israeli (Jewish extremists') terrorism. Unlawful, criminal, and hooligan actions, committed by Israelis and their defenders in Jewish organizations outside Israel against non-Jews or Jewish dissidents in the Northern Hemisphere have been increased by numbers and also by range. The second means that if in the past harsh terrorist methods were used by Israeli terrorists only against Arab upraises, Holocaust deniers, or neo-Nazis, they are presently used against wider range of critics of Jewish extremism or Israel. Sometimes terrorist or near-terrorist offensive methods are employed against a view, style or manner only because it was different from those, which were forced on us by the Jewish extremists' stereotypes. It means that the Jewish extremists want to control art, music, media, and literature as well.

We can speak about worldwide Jewish extremists' repression.

Israeli terrorism is well known for its tremendous assuredness, cruelty, and impunity. It is also very unique. This is a state terrorism (because the State of Israel supports and generates it) backed by innumerous Jewish extremist organizations in Diaspora.

It would be a mistake to think that it somehow related to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Terrorism is exploited by various Jewish groups or individuals to win fame, privileges, money, or power. In huge archives of scrupulous and sophisticated documents
Institute of Historical Revue,
[-- -- ] ,
Amnesty International,
[-- --]
Ukrainian Archive with Mr. Przytulak,
[-- --],
[-- --]
and thousands of other sources have collected data on innumerous Israeli terrorists' crimes in Europe and America. Jewish extremists' crimes were filed by American and European police; some individuals – Jewish terrorists – were arrested and jailed. However, in general Israeli terrorism is tolerated by the west countries and Russia, and the bodies like police, Special Forces, or intelligence are not defending citizens from Israeli terrorism.

In the next work a huge data about goals, methods and strategy of Israeli terrorism have been collected and classified: (Russian) (English)

In 1990-s Israeli regime has employed terrorism for persecution of ethnic minorities inside Israel, and for preserving social and economic domination of some particular socio-ethnic groups over the others. Thousands of the more then 600 thousands new Russian-speaking immigrants were insulted, assaulted, beaten, and discriminated against. Tenth of thousands of Russian-speaking women were assaulted, raped, or turned into sex slaves. A vicious wave of very offensive violence against Russians at the working places and by the neighbors – aboriginal Israelis – was provoked and initiated by the government of Sharon and Shamir. Thousands of economic crimes were committed against new Russian-speaking immigrants by their landlords, neighbors, employers, or Israeli bureaucrats. Children from Russian-speaking families were discriminated at school, persecuted, savagely beaten, insulted, or even killed. Some Russian-speaking people were denied medical help. Hooligans, rapists, crooks, bureaucrats-sadists never were stopped by the state; Russian-speaking people received no protection from police, governmental institutions, or municipalities. They were totally left without any legal aid. The tragedy of the Russian genocide in Israel is described in a very huge work, named "GULAG of Palestine": (in Russian)

Jewish global lobby has prevented UN and Amnesty International from archiving and evaluating Israeli regime's crimes against Russian speaking people in Israel. However, in some of their documents repercussions of these crimes have been manifested:

(In this document Amnesty declares that Israel is a state where slavery, forcible engagement in prostitution, selling and purchasing people are not criminal offences!!!)

See also: (English, the end of this file) (English) (Russian) (English) (Russian)

In his article in Canadian Jewish News a passionate Israeli terrorism propagandist, Montreal-based Jill TROY, has promoted a freshly invented by Israeli Zionists tricky definition: so-called "cyber-terrorism". He's rejecting a very possibility that criticism of Zionism, Israel or Jewish extremism might have nothing to do with a pro-Islamic position. He builds such an associative string: critic of Israel = pro-Islamist = terrorist. He's intentionally skipping a possibility of a pro-Christian, or human rights, or any other motivation behind an anti-Zionist position. He's beginning to speak about anti-Zionists in general, but continues with phrases about hackers and Islamic militants recruiting web sites. He's calling anti-Israeli hackers (and by the content - all critics of Israel) "cyber-terrorists", threatening them by military actions.

1) (English) (Russian)
2) (English) (Russian)
3) (English-Russian)
4) (English-Russian)

This language sounds very familiar. It was used many times by Israelis to justify arbitrary killings and assassinations of Arab poets, journalists, philosophers, and clerics. THIS time he (J. Troy) speaks about ALL critics of Israel GLOBALLY, whether they are Arab (Muslim), or not. In the same time he's indirectly encouraging Israeli hackers and hooligans by putting several words of almost admiration about them.

The problem of Israeli (Jewish extremists') cyber-terrorism exists for years. Even before I began to put human rights issues on Internet my literary and musical web sites were destroyed. For years I am receiving innumerous threats from Israel via e-mails. Some of my system parts and hundreds of files were destroyed because of the computer viruses originated from Israel. To cut me off all my friends somebody submits e-mails, containing viruses "from my name". Insults and rumors about me are spread by Zionists through Internet chats, books of comments, forums, e-mails, web sites or Internet magazines. Israeli conventional and on-line newspapers, radio "Kol Israel", even Israeli party "Moledet's" web site, and innumerous Israeli extremists are openly lying about my works on Israel, calling me a mentally ill person (directly or by meaning), insulting me, threatening me by death in comments to my works or through telephone calls, committing innumerous acts of hooliganism against my web sites or against me personally. In the areas, which have nothing to do with ideology or politics (like music or poetry), where my works were nominated to literary contests or published by literary magazines, Israeli terrorists persecute them by acts of hooliganism, discrediting, boycott, and ostracism. Authors of the blatant language or hooliganism comments (like "your place is in the mental hospital", "you need an Aminazine injection"; or death threats) – are not only anonymous hooligans, - but Israeli citizens, whose names are known. Radio Israel employees, or students of Israeli universities, workers of Sochnut, or Israeli army officers – they commit acts of hooliganism with a solid belief that they will not be prosecuted. A student from Jerusalem Julia Dlugach, a marginal writer from Tel-Aviv Gennady Neiman (according to my sources he works for a governmental agency, which executes work for Israeli army), philologist Im Gleizer, an Israeli army officer (maybe Mossad or Shabak agent), a former prison guard, Igal, an Israeli State Radio employee Arie Laib, a journalist and vicious informer Mark Kotlarsky, famous Internet "nick" and Sochnut worker Cassandra, an Internet literary activist Allergen - all of them are trying to stop potential readers from reading my works, and to destroy my life by any means. All of them have tight links with the Israeli government. When Gennady Neiman has placed an "essay" "about me", calling it "A dialogue With an Insane", he didn't even think about an eventual legal responsibility (for this action), because he will be defended by the Israeli government. All these neimans have turned to terrorism in compensation of their total moral, ideological and intellectual defeat.

I am not the only victim of Israeli terrorism. Innumerous victims were insulted, threatened, attacked, beaten, killed, or harassed.
See: (Russian) (English)

Israeli terrorism against Westerners was meticulously described and well documented, but no steady records were maintained on Israeli terrorism against East Europeans. There is a huge and scrupulous database at Ukrainian Archive
[-- --], on Israeli terrorism (columniation, anti-Ukrainian ideological and political propaganda, harassments, insults, threats, or even killings) against Ukraine and Ukrainians all over the world. But there are only few records on Israeli terrorist crimes against people in Russia or people of Russian descent.

Only some of these crimes were tracked and recorded. They were crimes against next categories of people: 1. Russian speaking activists, who denounced so called "small Russian genocide" in Israel against "Russian" immigrants; 2. Russian speaking refugees from Israel; 3. Russian authors, who criticized Israel and Jewish (Zionist) organizations in Diaspora for racism, censorship, conspiracy, violence, superior political and economic power, human rights violations, and terrorism. 4. Russian authors, who defended Russian cultural identity from Jewish Zionist dictatorship in literary styles, taste, literary norms, organizational issues, questions of taboos, tolerance towards manifestation of Jewish racism or nationalism, or norms of behavior in literary environment; 5. Owners of web sites with critically towards Zionism and Israel forums, articles, or materials; 6. Publishers for the first 4 categories. 7. Participants of the Internet-forums, who criticized Israel or Zionism.

Examples of the First category (for recent time only): Alexander ORLOVSKY, Savely KASHNIZKY, and others. Second category: family Metelnitsky, family Hazinsky, and others. Third category: Michael MAGID, Miechyslawa PIASKOWSKA, and others. Forth category: Nina YUDICHEVA, Olga LIASHENKO, and others. Fifth category: Svetlana YEPIFANOVA, Michael MAGID, and others. Sixth category: S. YEPIFANOVA. 7. I have collected thousands of pages from Internet forums.

The most disturbing tendency is that death threats and insults in Russian language are distributing publicly, "in front" of the whole Russian Internet community. People whose identity is known or easily can be identified promise that the critics of Israel (they call them by names) will be hunted out and killed "as dogs". Sitting in Israel, such terrorists can damage social, financial, professional, or family situation of somebody in Russia, Europe or North America by publicly expressed insults, illegal accusations, or threats. Israeli citizens, they can enjoy their impunity because of the protection from any responsibility, which their state (Israel) provides to them.

Sometimes abuse is directed not against individuals, but against particular groups or organizations. Israeli political parties, like party "Moledet", which has representation in Israeli parliament, spread racist, hostile, and violent materials in Russian language, which goal is to provoke violent actions against Arabs or Russian-speaking non-Jews in Israel, or against Jewish, Russian or other dissidents all over the world. Articles, called "Transfer (deportation of Palestinian population) Now!", "Good Arab is a Dead Arab", "Israel for Russians" (against non-Jews in Israel), and similar, are distributed in Russian language from "Moledet's" web magazine. On their web pages "Moledet" staff wrote that if they were MOSSAD, they would take care of Lev Gunin (of me).

Zionism has two opposite faces: a right-wing racist (fascist) face in Israel, and left-wing liberalism for Diaspora. Terrorism is an element, which they share both.

We believe that countries, which today tolerate global Israeli terrorism tomorrow will deeply regret about this policy.
Lev (Leon) GUNIN
Montreal, August, 2002


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